
An Important Note On The Oak Moth Caterpillar: The larvae, or caterpillars, of the oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea, OPM) are a pest because they pose a threat to oak trees and to human and animal health. Find out more about the oak moth caterpillar.

The Common

Gerrards Cross Common

Gerrards Cross Common, which extends over some 32 hectares is situated immediately north of the A40 and is bounded by part of Bulstrode Way, West Common and East Common and is bisected from South to North by Packhorse Road.

It exists as we know it today as the result of a disastrous fire which burned for three months in 1921. The first vegetation to return was heather and gorse, but this eventually was replaced by four areas of open grassland, incorporating the two ponds on West Common, and the rest by woodland, mainly silver birch and oak, some of the latter developing as solitary and outstanding specimens.

The area is called a “common” because it is common land of the Manor of Chalfont St Peter over which owners of adjoining properties were entitled to graze animals. It is owned by Mr David Baldwin the Lord of the Manor and was managed by the Manor Court until 1920. The Court rolls run from 1308 until 1936 and can be seen online at www.chalfontstpetermanor.co.uk

However, South Bucks District Council had previously vested management interests, and therefore all financial costs appertaining thereto, in the Town Council.

It is our responsibility to keep all the grass cut, to monitor the many paths and keep them in good order, cutting back brambles and holly on either side, to supply seats, litter and dog bins at strategic points, to care for all the trees, to keep the ponds as attractive amenities, and to supply, maintain and inspect weekly (for safety reasons) a substantial area of children’s play equipment on East Common.

Childrens Play Equipment On East Common

Gerrards Cross Commons Byelaws

Byelaws introduced in 1981 govern what may and may not be done on the Common. These are exhibited on the Town Council’s Notice Boards in the Packhorse Road and outside its offices at the Memorial Centre.

Our major annual cost is the grass cutting contract, including strimming in all areas too difficult for the tractor. From time to time we are faced with a large individual item, such as protecting West Common from further invasions by Travellers and their vehicles, and plans are in place to provide the same protection for East Common.

Latchmoor Pond is of special interest as it is home to a very rare water plant, damasonium alisma (Starfruit).

The Common is available at all times and to all people; it is used regularly by several football teams and twice yearly by a visiting Fair. Dog walkers frequent it daily and it provides exercise and recreation for many residents. We just ask that all users respect the Countryside Code and leave nothing behind but their footprints.