Bulstrode Camp – Iron Age Hillfort
Situated to the South West of Gerrards Cross town centre in the middle of Camp Road is Bulstrode Camp; an Iron Age hill fort thought to date back to 400BC. A flat open area covering about 26.38 acres (10.67 hectares) and surrounded by a double ring of ramparts (The Fosse) which are still very impressive in spite of being eroded and overgrown in places.
Ancient Monument
Bulstrode Camp was acquired by Gerrards Cross Town (then Parish) Council in June 1952 for preservation as an Ancient Monument and for use as a Public Open Space. The Camp is a good example of a large double-ramparted hillfort and merits the protection of English Heritage.
Hillforts in the Chilterns
Bulstrode Camp is the largest hillfort in Buckinghamshire and was included in a recent bespoke LIDAR survey carried out by the Chilterns Conservation Board – Beacons of the Past, Hillforts in the Chilterns.
The Fosse
The Fosse is a large set of banks, ditches and earthworks which comprised the defensive boundary of the site. Many of these earthworks pass through the back gardens of residents living adjacent to the hillfort and they are fortunate to be stewards of such a significant and enduring ancient site.
History aside, the Camp is peaceful and beautiful being symmetrical and surrounded by a boundary of mature trees.